Kerry Ann Kozak



The Length of Service Awards is a long-standing tradition at UBC, and one way in which we recognize the commitment and service of our great staff and faculty. The program recognizes milestones of 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45 years of service.

We have begun qualifying staff and faculty’s years of service based on several factors including uninterrupted service (for more than one year). The years of service for the 2023 honorees begin on the years 1978 (45 years), 1983 (40 years), 1988 (35 years), 1993 (30 years), 1998 (25 years), 2003 (20 years) and 2008 (15 years). If you have not heard from our office this year and would like to identify as beginning your employment on one of these dates, please reach out to,  Workplace Learning & Engagement.

Be a part of this exciting event by planning and staffing a table on Thursday, August 31, 2023, from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm. This is an excellent opportunity to showcase how your department, faculty, or association supports the diverse UBC departments, faculties, and student groups in creating a strong and vibrant UBCO community. For more information and to register visit Welcome Back Day 2023. Registration deadline August 14, 2023.