Thrive grants now available. Apply by Oct. 7.
Faculty, staff and students are invited to apply for a $300 Thrive Grant to help host events during Thrive in November that promote mental health, such as: Promoting mental health literacy (e.g. educational seminar or workshop) Provide opportunities for social connection Foster a supportive and inclusive community Build skills to support positive mental health and […]
Get Ready for the 2024 Faculty & Staff Welcome Back BBQ and Info Fair!
Be a part of this exciting event by planning and staffing a table on Thursday, August 29, 2024, from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm
New learning series for faculty and staff
We are excited to announce a new learning series pilot which spans the academic year’ 23/24, developed intentionally to support your professional development goals.
2023 Length of Service Award Recipients to Be Honored
The Length of Service Awards is a long-standing tradition at UBC, and one way in which we recognize the commitment and service of our great staff and faculty.